Mill View Court Garden project

The Mill View Court Garden project was initiated at the Mill View Court Mental Health inpatient unit, which supports adults experiencing severe and enduring mental health issues. The wide-ranging opportunities provided through Occupational Therapy (OT) allow patients to develop new routines, relationships, and interests to support quality of life and promote recovery. The project was driven by patient feedback and the ambitions are closely linked to the NHS’s 5 steps to mental wellbeing. The team identified an unused outdoor space, gained management support, and worked together with patients to plan and prepare the area for growing vegetables. The project has inspired trips to local gardening centres and empowered individuals by supporting their mental health needs in a unique way. Led by OT staff, service users, and a volunteer, the previously unused courtyard has been transformed into a calming and nurturing environment.

The project is more than just a green space; it has created an environment where individuals can come together to improve their confidence in social situations, gain knowledge and interest in horticulture-based activities, and enjoy the physical and mental health benefits that green spaces offer. The project includes regular access to education and advice on growing and nurturing plants, as well as sessions on growing and cooking vegetables and healthy eating. It has also given patients the confidence to continue developing these skills and pursue them in various ways after leaving the hospital. Additionally, it has increased patients’ understanding of healthy lifestyles, leading to positive steps such as increased physical activity and reduced health inequalities.

The project highlights the value of co-production, involving patients from the ward, which has made it a partnership journey It demonstrates the need to equip individuals with life skills at their own pace, supporting their future integration into the community and addressing health inequalities. Feedback from participants has been positive, with comments about learning new recipes, developing new skills, increased confidence, and enjoying outdoor activities.

The next steps for the project include gathering feedback and patient stories to further demonstrate its impact, maintaining momentum with seasonal events, signposting patients to community outdoor projects, and supporting patients in applying for their own allotments.

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