Category: Children

  • In Your Corner Pilot Project

    Overview The project was created by Goole Youth Action (GYA) to provide a boxing-based activity for vulnerable and challenging young people aged 9-19 years in the Goole area. Its aim was to improve the emotional and physical well-being of the participants, reduce youth-related anti-social behaviour, and provide a diversionary positive activity. Funding was received from… Read more

  • Cost of Living

    Introduction Since 2021, the price of essential goods, such as food and fuel, began increasing faster than household incomes. Many people noticed that while they were being paid the same amount, what they earned felt a lot less than it did before and that in a lot of cases the money in their pocket was… Read more

  • NCMP


    The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) is a mandatory annual programme that measures the height and weight of all school children in reception and year 6 in England. It helps local authorities and their partners to plan and invest in services to tackle obesity and its wider determinants. It also provides feedback to parents about… Read more

  • Engagement and Insight


    Engagement and Behavioural Insight Development is one of the East Riding Care Committee’s priority programmes.  One of the key objectives of this programme is to ensure that intelligence and ‘live’ insights from our communities and partner organisations can in real time help inform the JSNA using a population health approach. These insights would also, under… Read more

  • SEN Support

    Pupils with SEN support in East Riding schools Special Educational Needs (SEN) Support is what schools and similar settings use to find and meet the needs of children with SEN. Schools offer a range of support for all children and young people. Those with SEN may require extra support at different stages of their education.… Read more

  • Preparing for Adulthood

    Preparation for adulthood (PFA) for young people with SEND This page gives an overview of how the East Riding prepares young people with SEND for adulthood and also highlights data on a number of indicators regarding education and training outcomes for young people with SEND, in the East Riding of Yorkshire. It is one of… Read more

  • Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)

    East Riding children and young people with an education, health and care plan (EHCP) This page focuses on the children and young people (0-25 years) with an education, health and care plan (EHCP) and highlights some key statistics. It includes details about those who are maintained by East Riding of Yorkshire Council and also those… Read more

  • Special educational needs and disability (SEND)

    East Riding of Yorkshire SEND JSNA home page This page is the first of a set of East Riding JSNA web-pages related to special educational needs or disability (SEND), details of the other pages can be found below. The aim of the East Riding JSNA website, is to describe the population of children and young… Read more

  • Vulnerable


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  • Core20Plus5 (Children and Young People)

    NHS England and NHS Improvement launched Core20PLUS5 in 2021, a national approach to support the reduction of health inequalities at both national and system level. This new initiative is split into two different cohorts, adults and children and young people, this particular page focusses on the latter. CORE20PLUS5 for children and young people is made… Read more