Category: Adult
Healthy Ageing
Owen Morgan
Age Friendly Communities An Age-Friendly Community is a place where people of all ages can live healthy and active later lives. These places make it possible for people to continue to stay in their homes, participate in the activities that they value, and contribute to their communities, for as long as possible. There are a number… Read more
Inclusion Health
Owen Morgan
Inclusion health addresses the health and social needs of socially excluded individuals who face multiple overlapping risk factors such as poverty, violence, and complex trauma. These factors often lead to barriers in accessing healthcare, resulting in poor health outcomes and health inequalities, including a lower average age of death. Common barriers include low engagement with… Read more
East Riding Drugs Partnership
Owen Morgan
This page presents the East Riding Drugs Partnership 2024 Strategy and needs assessment documents. The first half of the page displays the strategy, with the needs assessment located on the second part of the page. East Riding Drugs Partnership 2024 Strategy The East Riding Drugs Partnership 2024 Strategy document can be viewed and downloaded below.… Read more
The Hinge Centre: Supporting Bridlington’s Community
Owen Morgan
This page hosts the 2024 insight report “The Hinge Centre: Supporting Bridlington’s Community” produced by Healthwatch East Riding of Yorkshire. Healthwatch East Riding of Yorkshire regularly receive feedback from the public about their experiences of health and social care services which is compiled into a monthly intelligence report. From these reports, and from general community… Read more
Rural and Coastal Communities
Owen Morgan
Overview Following the January 2023 presentation ‘Rural Health and Wellbeing in the East Riding’ made at the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, this document acts as a rapid needs assessment, expanding on some of the themes presented at that meeting. While the previous years have been greatly dominated by responding to COVID-19,… Read more
East Riding and Hull carers feedback on health services
Owen Morgan
Using the annual Carers Event in Hull, the Integrated Care Board Communications team spent time listening to local carers, and those being cared for, about their experiences, what they would like to see on NHS websites like Let’s Get Better and what one thing might improve access to care. The document also contains three case… Read more
VCSE insights into Inclusion Health
Owen Morgan
Workshops were conducted with VCSE organsations in February 2023, with a focus on inclusion groups. The workshop identified several barriers and challenges faced by the inclusion groups such as access to services, communication, data sharing, funding, trust, and stigma. VCSE groups themselves found that constant change made it difficult to know what is going on… Read more
Young Peoples Experiences of Violence in the Humber Region
Owen Morgan
The Humber Violence Prevention Partnership (VPP) commissioned Humber Learning Consortium (HLC) to deliver a series of focus groups with a diverse range of young people from hotspot areas, across the Humber sub-region. The report produced and embedded within this page has a specific East Riding of Yorkshire section and case studies from Bridlington, Driffield and… Read more
Cost of Living
Owen Morgan
Introduction Since 2021, the price of essential goods, such as food and fuel, began increasing faster than household incomes. Many people noticed that while they were being paid the same amount, what they earned felt a lot less than it did before and that in a lot of cases the money in their pocket was… Read more
Love Driffield – Driffield and The Wolds Foodbank
Owen Morgan
Overview This page gives a summary of the Love Driffield – Driffield and The Wolds Foodbank insight report, a project that involved Healthwatch East Riding of Yorkshire, Love Driffield (a community hub and foodbank) and The Cherry Tree Community Centre ( a charitable organisation that provides many valuable services to the local community and surrounding… Read more