Category: Crime and Antisocial Behaviour
East Riding Drugs Partnership
Owen Morgan
This page presents the East Riding Drugs Partnership 2024 Strategy and needs assessment documents. The first half of the page displays the strategy, with the needs assessment located on the second part of the page. East Riding Drugs Partnership 2024 Strategy The East Riding Drugs Partnership 2024 Strategy document can be viewed and downloaded below.… Read more
Rural and Coastal Communities
Owen Morgan
Overview Following the January 2023 presentation ‘Rural Health and Wellbeing in the East Riding’ made at the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, this document acts as a rapid needs assessment, expanding on some of the themes presented at that meeting. While the previous years have been greatly dominated by responding to COVID-19,… Read more
Hope Hack
Owen Morgan
The Hope Hacks were events organised by the Hope Collective and the Humber Violence Prevention Partnership (VPP) to engage with young people in Humberside and hear their views and solutions on issues such as community safety, mental health, youth voice, and life skills. The events involved workshops on seven key themes, guest speakers, activities, and… Read more
Young Peoples Experiences of Violence in the Humber Region
Owen Morgan
The Humber Violence Prevention Partnership (VPP) commissioned Humber Learning Consortium (HLC) to deliver a series of focus groups with a diverse range of young people from hotspot areas, across the Humber sub-region. The report produced and embedded within this page has a specific East Riding of Yorkshire section and case studies from Bridlington, Driffield and… Read more
In Your Corner Pilot Project
Owen Morgan
Overview The project was created by Goole Youth Action (GYA) to provide a boxing-based activity for vulnerable and challenging young people aged 9-19 years in the Goole area. Its aim was to improve the emotional and physical well-being of the participants, reduce youth-related anti-social behaviour, and provide a diversionary positive activity. Funding was received from… Read more
COVID-19 Impact
Shane Mullen
Adult, Agriculture and Food Production, Children, Climate Change, Crime and Antisocial Behaviour, Digital Inclusion, Education, Employment, Health and Social Care Services, Healthy Work Environment, Housing, Individual behaviours, Living Conditions, Money and Debt, Social Networks and Families, Transport, Water and SanitationIntroduction and Headlines Internationally, the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 has had a devastating impact on morbidity and mortality, and with no current indication of it abating it is likely it will continue to be a worldwide concern throughout subsequent years. The poor and declining state of health of the UK population,… Read more
East Riding Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Shane Mullen
Adult, Agriculture and Food Production, Children, Climate Change, Crime and Antisocial Behaviour, Digital Inclusion, Education, Employment, Health and Social Care Services, Healthy Work Environment, Housing, Individual behaviours, Living Conditions, Money and Debt, Social Networks and Families, Transport, Uncategorized, Water and SanitationWelcome to the website covering the Health and Wellbeing of the population of the East Riding of Yorkshire The site supports the Health and Wellbeing Board and its strategy to understand the strategic health and care needs of the population across the East Riding. Latest updates What is the East Riding Joint Strategic Needs Assessment… Read more