Youth Voice

About this page

This page seeks to highlight the views of children and young people on many aspects that affect their lives. They have been summarised and an attempt has been made to link each of the insights to the different components of the conditions of living wheel, which can be viewed on the JSNA homepage, alternatively click the image below to go directly to a full sized version.

The full list of insights can be viewed below, in the main part of the page, but if you wish to search for a specific insight then please use the search bar directly below. However, be aware that the search function will return results from the whole of the JSNA website and not just this Youth Voice page. If, after completing a search, you want to return back to this page you will have to use the main menu bars above.

To use the search bar, just type in the search criteria you are interested in (e.g. type Goole if you are looking for Goole related insights) and click the green search button on the right hand side

Examples of key themes

The carousel below rotates its picture every 10 seconds, but can be paused by clicking on any of the images or moved on to the next image by clicking on the arrows to the left and right of the image. It highlights a selection of themes that have come out of the Youth Voice insights.

Youth Voice documents

(all insights on one page)