Health and Wellbeing Survey

During the Spring and Summer of 2023 the Public Health Intelligence team conducted a survey aimed at all adults in the East Riding. Consisting of more than 60 questions, the survey asked for information on employment and housing, caring, diet, physical health and activity, long term health conditions, mental health, smoking and alcohol use, quality of sleep, matters around COVID 19, family finance and loneliness and social contact.

A high level summary of key points are outlined directly below.

  • BMI and Obesity: The survey found that a significant number of people classified as obese live in areas of higher deprivation, while those with normal BMI tend to reside in less deprived areas.
  • Mental Health and Long Term Conditions: Respondents generally showed good mental health, but lower mental wellbeing scores were noted in more deprived areas. Long-term conditions like arthritis, hypertension, and asthma were also more prevalent in these areas.
  • Access to Public Services: Many respondents reported difficulties accessing primary care and dental services, with over 50% in some wards struggling to get appointments.

Further detail about the survey and an expanded summary of key points can be viewed in the main PDF document below.